18th April, 2024
User 448638a2
【What's New】
1.【Supplier Showroom】Video added autoplay config.option.
Application Center—Supplier Showroom
【Function Summary】
The video added the configuration of whether to autoplay or not.
If autoplay is opened,the video will autoplay during preview; and after sharing with customers, the video will autoplay when the guest views the details page.
If autoplay is not opened, the video will not autoplay during the preview, a play button will be displayed; and after being shared with customers, the video will not autoplay when the guest views the detail page, a play button will be displayed.
Backend Configuration:
Guest views detail page (Auto-play enabled)
Guest views detail page (Auto-play not enabled)
2.【Trendbooks】Optimization of Trendbooks
Applications—Online Tools—Trendbooks
【Function Summary】
The style pop-up has been added to display large images of the style and field information.