18th April, 2024

User 448638a2


【What's New】

1.【Supplier Showroom】Video added autoplay config.option.


  • Application Center—Supplier Showroom

【Function Summary】

  • The video added the configuration of whether to autoplay or not.

  • If autoplay is opened,the video will autoplay during preview; and after sharing with customers, the video will autoplay when the guest views the details page.

  • If autoplay is not opened, the video will not autoplay during the preview, a play button will be displayed; and after being shared with customers, the video will not autoplay when the guest views the detail page, a play button will be displayed.

Backend Configuration:

  1. Guest views detail page (Auto-play enabled)

  1. Guest views detail page (Auto-play not enabled)

2.【Trendbooks】Optimization of Trendbooks


  • Applications—Online Tools—Trendbooks

【Function Summary】

The style pop-up has been added to display large images of the style and field information.

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