Quick Start


Install Simulator plugin

  1. Download Style3D Simulator zip file from website: simulator.style3d.com/en

  2. unzip and copy the corresponding version plugin folder for your project

  3. Paste Simulator plugin into your project or unreal engine(only need to choose one option)

Option 1: Paste Simulator plugin into your project

  • Create a "Plugins" fold under your project files

  • Paste Simulator plugin into the "Plugins" folder

Option 2: Paste Simulator plugin into Unreal Engine

  • for example, if use UE5.2, paste into "UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins"

4.Enable plug-in

  1. Check on Meta plugin,restart Unreal Engine project

  2. Log in after successful installation

Export Avatar

  1. Pitch on avatar Skeletal Mesh ,add Style3D component to it

  1. Click Export Obstacle ,avatar will be saved as a .obj file

Create or Modify Garment

  1. Open a Atelier garment project from cloud resource library

  1. Import avatar obj file from the above process

  1. Pich on new avatar, set Attend simulation to Yes

Pitch on other avatars ,set Attend Simulation to NO

  1. Set the new avatar to be displayed ,and other avatars not to be displayed

  2. Adjust the position of cloth to fit the avatar body as much as you can,then click on Simulate button see if the garment fit avatar body correctly. If it is not fit correctly, repeat this step.

  1. Adjust Particle Distance to ensure vertex count less than 50000 for best performance

  1. Export SMD(style3D garment file)

Import SMD to Unreal Engine

  1. Drag SMD into UE content browser

Assemble Garment and Fit Avatar Pose

  1. Add garment to style3D component

  1. Bind garment

  2. Add animation

  3. Check on preview in editor(change on and off) ,preview whether the garment fit avatar pose

Garment Simulate

  1. Set Style3D Runtime mode to GarmentSimulate

  1. Set Solver Property


Record Garment Cache

  1. Assemble Garment and Fit Avatar pose as above process

  2. Set Runtime Mode to GarmentCacheRecord

  3. Set GarmentCache name

    Record Rate Scale: 0.3 is recommended for recording.(larger number will cause more device performance)

    Check on Avatar Animation

    Check on Save Subfile While Recording

  1. Start record GarmentCache

Play Garment Cache

  1. Add animation asset to the avatar

    Assembl garment to style3D component

  1. Set Runtime Mode to GarmentCachePlay

  1. Find the GarmentCache you want under Exist Cahce, copy the name to the Cache to Play

    Make sure current Simulator Data Asset and Avatar animation asset match the GarmentCache

  2. Start GarmentCache play

Play Garment Cache in Sequencer

  1. If all the above processes are handled well,the GarmentCache can be played in Sequencer

  2. Create Level Sequencer

  1. Add Avatar track

  2. Add Style3D subtrack

  1. Add GarmentCache subtrack

    If Cache added successfully,there will be a slider which you can use to set first frame of the animation.

  2. Add camera and render sequencer

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