UV Editor

Purpose : Edit and export UV baked texture for clothing models. When performing secondary processing of the model in third-party software, UV baked texture can be used as a material addition to improve the efficiency ... material replication for the model. Operation Path: Tools ▶ UV Editor image.png?st=QWMXReFYYVsQBBZQqzHa73h4BbioTOrhqUdyeeDGVhbKlVOGjFbOtVfGAjxs7auBHhRs1swQY6HInkj2C-HKYbi-UcTMJfaZ4No= Operation Instructions: 1.When opening the UV editor for the first time, the UV of the pattern may be random. There ... three ways to quickly arrange the UV : a) Clicking on the image.png?st=iGSWfwEWG2Yt8v7_jlVGqecejgic-GQP5BbtWmeDxy749w0FKCSM3hBfHPAM_TuTEoOxLUPFD5EXBGzHnZ98L-IsBrmMXOREdIk= “ Arrangement ” option at the top will automatically arrange the UV. b) Clicking on the image.png?st=aoEnXQ8GYonI5xg8DIPgauVMO38iE8tTv ... IyUW1CNhCn7Cf6SD7x3otY6egCUKUWaKgswC8s6b2HjFltsEdgTa9mV8TaXYFU02c= “ zoom ” option at the top will scale and arrange the selected UV within the 0-1 coordinate space. c) Clicking on the image.png?st=GRXc_iorGSVQhvfrHiFA39G52JDI-O4U6umNLyXYJQNXIrODPFXDqN3t_AYT9St7CQqB7LDpZ2fRwfGFdhNTcS3pORWzvpZJf-k= “ Sync with 2D ” option ... will arrange the texture based on the positions of the UV in the 2D window. 2.Clicking on image.png?st=nu6zhu3OwwHjHIlLLfXppHX8r5mz8GdpUIeyLNXfz3xZFkgnUVM9k2IByo1esFhN6PHmGokbrF3RDbxB3fiejhjGAz4TF2L05x8= allows you to quickly move it to another area or make minor adjustments ... show effective quadrants, bake the transparency map onto the texture. image.png?st=OjjVhBMMU7wOYPQ6EqfUr-dYx-_c4P_IVAKudDMbKnuwUNuMlIREmeITDBvnanuICqv8TmpFdTwEigpt5WMWmmEiPEdtPi5KBnU= ① The UV arrangement of 3D Trim can bake the accessories map and the clothing plate material map together ... will export the edited baked texture. image.png?st=fycTWvgVap1jjcMTiweaN_OWd6HnJBxqb3AN7mzeruzJkQ10wEQaVdRuL7nLmJbnXsAxZkeyAhRrTxBtYW7HUQLGPxZvABasO1k= 6 、 Support export of UV maps. Operation Path: Tools ▶ UV Editor ▶ Setting image.png?st=AeJz6hhtr3NxqifITZbj-8w28ek6HszlzZy4D49jqd8e2qTYiij79ASFWqDiOd4HyJZizkYmZVIv1Kqj1pAs_wUWWFtWsKungE4= UV Edit Setting UV Rotation Enable the option ... rotate UV islands by 90 ° , 180 ° , or 270 ° to enhance layout efficiency and optimize texture space utilization. Spacing 【 Spacing Between UV Islands 】 and 【 Margin to Edges 】 : Set to a range ... achieved during the layout process, maximize the arrangement based on the closest achievable spacing. ” Area Support arranging UV islands within the designated quadrant boundaries Layout method Default Layout according to fabric type : Prioritize the arrangement

How to adjust the panel to a quadrant in UV editor

Question: How to adjust the panel to a quadrant in UV editor Solution: Select all the pattern pieces, and then automatically layout selected UV to fit within one quadrant. image.png

UV Editor Optimization 202404

Border Reminder for Transparent Patterns Added border reminders for transparent patterns: Transparent patterns sometimes overlooked, leading to UV overlap. This can cause anomalies in other software. 1710760636661-8fda03c4-fa27-476d-9880-5b153a0cdad1.png Unified naming for exported maps Naming convention: Project ... name + Texture name + UV quadrant 1710760838958-08dde039-09f9-477d-ab3c-616df82d71dc.png Specified UV Scaling UV layout requires specific UV scaling to determine how many pixels UV occupies (Games may require more pixels for important areas) 6_2D-E6-94-AF-E6-8C-81-E8-81-9A-E7-84-A6.gif?st=vu43UWvs1Em0kLWO5RM8paxptLxSJGiXEscnbg63ov6UGMRNOpcxYt46lGdSRNmjN0V9eIBRMbIZSGW1R9MlN0hBMC0nQGCeZOE

How to export texture and normal UV images of clothing

Question: How to export texture and normal UV images of clothing Solution: Operation path: UV Editor ▶ Layout image.png To export OBJ, check Unified UV Coordinates, and also check Bake Texture and Bake Normal. Under

Animation Editor

Purpose: To facilitate users to display the generated virtual garments in animation. Operation Path: Tool ▶ Animation Editor Operation Instructions: Currently, users can to record animations through the system's own avatar and avatar movements ... Current frame/time Play the current frame/time of the pointer (8)Unit The unit format of animation editor (9)Export Export Video: After recording the animation action, click here to generate a video. (10)Settings Animation

Pattern Property Editor

pattern with the Select/Move tool, we can edit the pattern-related parameter properties in the Pattern Property Editor window at the bottom right corner. image.png

Avatar Editor

Allow users to adjust the Avatar's size. Operation Path: Select/Move ▶ Select the Avatar ▶ In the Property Editor window, choose "Edit Avatar" ▶ Size Operation Instructions: To ensure the coherence of the model's shape, when

Property Editor

techniques like fabric Transparent, using Lower Layer normal internsity, automatic thickness, and more. Operation Path: Property Editor Operation Instructions: Pattern attribute editing window allows selection of techniques from a preset dropdown list. After adjusting parameters

Fabric Property Editor

After selecting the corresponding fabric material in the scene management window, the Fabric Property Editor will be invoked. image.png