Purpose : Edit and export UV baked texture for clothing models. When performing secondary processing of the model in third-party software, UV baked texture can be used as a material addition to improve the efficiency ... material replication for the model. Operation Path: Tools ▶ UV Editor image.png?st=QWMXReFYYVsQBBZQqzHa73h4BbioTOrhqUdyeeDGVhbKlVOGjFbOtVfGAjxs7auBHhRs1swQY6HInkj2C-HKYbi-UcTMJfaZ4No= Operation Instructions: 1.When opening the UV editor for the first time, the UV of the pattern may be random. There ... three ways to quickly arrange the UV : a) Clicking on the image.png?st=iGSWfwEWG2Yt8v7_jlVGqecejgic-GQP5BbtWmeDxy749w0FKCSM3hBfHPAM_TuTEoOxLUPFD5EXBGzHnZ98L-IsBrmMXOREdIk= “ Arrangement ” option at the top will automatically arrange the UV. b) Clicking on the image.png?st=aoEnXQ8GYonI5xg8DIPgauVMO38iE8tTv ... IyUW1CNhCn7Cf6SD7x3otY6egCUKUWaKgswC8s6b2HjFltsEdgTa9mV8TaXYFU02c= “ zoom ” option at the top will scale and arrange the selected UV within the 0-1 coordinate space. c) Clicking on the image.png?st=GRXc_iorGSVQhvfrHiFA39G52JDI-O4U6umNLyXYJQNXIrODPFXDqN3t_AYT9St7CQqB7LDpZ2fRwfGFdhNTcS3pORWzvpZJf-k= “ Sync with 2D ” option ... will arrange the texture based on the positions of the UV in the 2D window. 2.Clicking on image.png?st=nu6zhu3OwwHjHIlLLfXppHX8r5mz8GdpUIeyLNXfz3xZFkgnUVM9k2IByo1esFhN6PHmGokbrF3RDbxB3fiejhjGAz4TF2L05x8= allows you to quickly move it to another area or make minor adjustments ... show effective quadrants, bake the transparency map onto the texture. image.png?st=OjjVhBMMU7wOYPQ6EqfUr-dYx-_c4P_IVAKudDMbKnuwUNuMlIREmeITDBvnanuICqv8TmpFdTwEigpt5WMWmmEiPEdtPi5KBnU= ① The UV arrangement of 3D Trim can bake the accessories map and the clothing plate material map together ... will export the edited baked texture. image.png?st=fycTWvgVap1jjcMTiweaN_OWd6HnJBxqb3AN7mzeruzJkQ10wEQaVdRuL7nLmJbnXsAxZkeyAhRrTxBtYW7HUQLGPxZvABasO1k= 6 、 Support export of UV maps. Operation Path: Tools ▶ UV Editor ▶ Setting image.png?st=AeJz6hhtr3NxqifITZbj-8w28ek6HszlzZy4D49jqd8e2qTYiij79ASFWqDiOd4HyJZizkYmZVIv1Kqj1pAs_wUWWFtWsKungE4= UV Edit Setting UV Rotation Enable the option ... rotate UV islands by 90 ° , 180 ° , or 270 ° to enhance layout efficiency and optimize texture space utilization. Spacing 【 Spacing Between UV Islands 】 and 【 Margin to Edges 】 : Set to a range ... achieved during the layout process, maximize the arrangement based on the closest achievable spacing. ” Area Support arranging UV islands within the designated quadrant boundaries Layout method Default Layout according to fabric type : Prioritize the arrangement
Question: How to adjust the panel to a quadrant in UV editor Solution: Select all the pattern pieces, and then automatically layout selected UV to fit within one quadrant. image.png
Border Reminder for Transparent Patterns Added border reminders for transparent patterns: Transparent patterns sometimes overlooked, leading to UV overlap. This can cause anomalies in other software. 1710760636661-8fda03c4-fa27-476d-9880-5b153a0cdad1.png Unified naming for exported maps Naming convention: Project ... name + Texture name + UV quadrant 1710760838958-08dde039-09f9-477d-ab3c-616df82d71dc.png Specified UV Scaling UV layout requires specific UV scaling to determine how many pixels UV occupies (Games may require more pixels for important areas) 6_2D-E6-94-AF-E6-8C-81-E8-81-9A-E7-84-A6.gif?st=vu43UWvs1Em0kLWO5RM8paxptLxSJGiXEscnbg63ov6UGMRNOpcxYt46lGdSRNmjN0V9eIBRMbIZSGW1R9MlN0hBMC0nQGCeZOE
Question: How to export texture and normal UV images of clothing Solution: Operation path: UV Editor ▶ Layout image.png To export OBJ, check Unified UV Coordinates, and also check Bake Texture and Bake Normal. Under
Purpose: To facilitate users to display the generated virtual garments in animation. Operation Path: Tool ▶ Animation Editor Operation Instructions: Currently, users can to record animations through the system's own avatar and avatar movements ... Current frame/time Play the current frame/time of the pointer (8)Unit The unit format of animation editor (9)Export Export Video: After recording the animation action, click here to generate a video. (10)Settings Animation
pattern with the Select/Move tool, we can edit the pattern-related parameter properties in the Pattern Property Editor window at the bottom right corner. image.png
Allow users to adjust the Avatar's size. Operation Path: Select/Move ▶ Select the Avatar ▶ In the Property Editor window, choose "Edit Avatar" ▶ Size Operation Instructions: To ensure the coherence of the model's shape, when
techniques like fabric Transparent, using Lower Layer normal internsity, automatic thickness, and more. Operation Path: Property Editor Operation Instructions: Pattern attribute editing window allows selection of techniques from a preset dropdown list. After adjusting parameters
After selecting the corresponding fabric material in the scene management window, the Fabric Property Editor will be invoked. image.png