Property Editor



Supports one-click generation of multiple preset pattern techniques, as well as techniques like fabric Transparent, using

Lower Layer normal internsity, automatic thickness, and more.

Operation Path:

Property Editor

Operation Instructions:

Pattern attribute editing window allows selection of techniques from a preset dropdown list. After adjusting parameters,

click "Generate Pattern Technique." Note: Any modifications to technique parameters require clicking "Generate Pattern

Technique" again.




Automatic Thickness (Render Only)

Thickness (mm): Adjusts the thickness of the pattern.


Edge Width (mm): Adjusts the width of the curved edges of the pattern.


Edge Smoothness: Adjusts the smoothness of the curved edges of the pattern.


Using fabric Transparent

If the fabric has cutouts, such as mesh fabric, the pattern can match the fabric's cutout effect.

Lower Layer normal internsity

If the underlying fabric of the pattern has normals or employs techniques like folded normals, adjusting the rendering intensity can allow the current pattern to display the effects of these underlying normals, such as in digital printing processes.

Craft scaling

Adjusting craft size.



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