Add pleat
Operation Path:
Home ▶ Pleat
Operation Instructions:
Add PleatFollow the prompts after selecting the 【Pleat】 tool:
Select the insertion point of the outline
Select the insertion point of the outline endpoint
Choose the side to add the pleat
A popup window for adding a pleat appear
Parameter Explanation
【Type】: Three types of pleats - Knife Fold, Inner Box Fold, Outer Box Fold
【Number】: set the number of pleats
【Interval】: Specifies the distance between each pleat. It can be adjusted collectively for both upper and lower edges or separately for each edge
【Width】: Refers to the size of each pleat. It can be adjusted collectively for both upper and lower edges to maintain uniform size or separately for each edge
【Length】: The length of the pleat line
【Offset】: The displacement size of the pleat ends from the respective outline on both sides
【Fold Reverse】: When selected, reverses the direction of Knife Fold. There is no distinction in direction for Inner Box Fold.
【Create Notch】: When selected, adds notch at the sewing positions of the folds.
【Initial 3D Position】: Can be set to 【Front】 or 【Back】. Selecting 【Back】 moves the fold structure to the inside direction of the pattern piece.
【Fold Angle】: Dropdown menu options include angle combinations such as 【0-360, 60-300, 90-270, 120-240, 150-210】. For example, selecting the fold angle range 【0-360】 results in internal line angles from left to right being 180, 0, 360 as shown in the diagram below.
【Sewing】There are five sewing options to choose from: 【None, All, Both, Start, End】. Please refer to the diagram below for specific sewing options.
【Realistic Fold】: When checked, internal lines automatically smooth.
【Edit Fold】: There are two ways to edit a fold:
Use the Move/Edit Pattern/Fold tool to select the fold, then right-click and choose "Edit Fold" to open the "Edit Fold" popup window, where you can modify the fold parameters.
Select the Move/Edit Pattern/Fold tool and click on the fold. In the Property Editor, you can modify the parameters of the fold.
【Cancel Fold】: After canceling a fold, the fold object is removed, but the fold structure containing the outlines and internal lines is retained, meaning that the fold object cannot be edited.
【Delete Fold】: Deleting a fold removes all fold structures, including internal lines and sewing lines, restoring the pattern to its initial state.