Allow users to adjust the position and rotation angles of Avatar joints to customize the Avatar's pose.
Operation Path:
3D Window ▶Pop-up Buttons ▶Avatar ▶Skeleton
Operation Instructions:
Enabling ’Skeleton‘ will display the IK Window.
·Enable IK
By default, when it is enable, we can only edit the key bone points marked in black.
Full Body: Moving one joint will affect all joints, creating a connected movement effect.
Part Body: Affects nearby joints.
When disabled, we can edit all small bone points (after disabling Rotate Angle Limit).
Full Body/Part Body is not available.
(Full Body)
(Part Body)
·Rotate Angle Limit
Enabled by default.
When enabled, Avatars' joint rotations follow normal physiological restrictions (to prevent unrealistic situations during the rotation process, such as backward bending of the knee joint).
·Skeleton Linkage
Operation Path: Click on a joint, an icon appears in the upper right corner of the locator ball
Default is Disable.
When enable, adjustments to a joint will cause symmetrical joints to undergo the same changes.