Object Browser
The Object Browser is initially located on the left side of the window and consists of four tabs: "Current" "Scene" "Measure" and "3D State".
1.Current: Displays the element styles used in the current project. It allows users to perform operations such as adding, copying, deleting, and applying styles used in the project.
Styles marked with a blue badge are the ones that will be applied when creating new elements. For example, in the image below, if "TS201207" is selected, it will be used as the fabric when creating patterns using the polygon, rectangle, or other tools.
2.Scene: Displays the instances of elements present in the project. The visibility of elements can be controlled using an eye icon. Elements can be selected and renamed by clicking on them. Additionally, patterns can be grouped, frozen, or deactivated.
3.Measure: Displays current garment size, model size, and, and grading information.
4.3D State: Stores records generated during the design process.